
Photo by M Wild Hansen

Live simply that others might simply live.
~Elizabeth Ann Seton


Dave, Zach
Pentwater, 2007
"We all in the same boat, brother.  You rock it too far to the right you fall in the waddah, rock it too far to the left you fall in the same waddah and it's just as wet on  both sides."  -Huddie Ledbetter , 1888-1949  (A Blues musician, he called himself Lead Belly)


Photo by M Wild Hansen April 2011
The sky broke like an egg into full sunset and the water caught fire.
Pamela Hansford Johnson


Photo by M Wild Hansen

"The elements that unite to make the Grand Canyon the most sublime
 spectacle in nature are multifarious and exceedingly diverse."
~ John Wesley Powell (1834-1902)


Packard Plant, the long abandoned luxury auto assembly factory in Detroit
Photo M Wild Hansen
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy;
for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves;
we must die to one life before we can enter another.
  ~ Anatole France